Having acne can be a very frustrating experience. There are many ways that you can treat acne and keep it from getting worse. However, there are some reasons that you may notice that your acne is getting worse.
Hormonal changes
During puberty and menopause, hormonal changes can trigger acne. It is one of the major reasons your acne is getting worse. However, it is important to know what the normal hormonal fluctuations are. It can be difficult to detect when hormones have become too high or low. You may want to talk to your dermatologist about how to test for hormones and when testing should do.
Hormones work in harmony with one another to help our bodies develop. They regulate growth and help us build muscles. However, hormones should settle down after puberty. They also help to maintain our body’s natural rhythm.
Hormones also influenced by diet, stress, and beauty products. When they become too high or low, they can trigger acne. If you suspect hormonal changes are causing your acne, talk to your dermatologist about what you can do to prevent acne.
There are several hormone-adjusting drugs that can help. One option is oral contraceptives, which are a type of birth control that typically contain ethinyl estradiol. Another option is spironolactone, which used to treat high blood pressure. This can stabilize hormone levels and prevent the body from producing more androgen.
Other factors that may cause hormonal acne include antibiotics, steroids, and pregnancy. Stress and anxiety also cause hormonal changes. You may also develop hormonal acne if you have a medical condition, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Hormonal acne is common for women, but it can also affect men. It can cause by a combination of factors, including a change in diet, stress, or medication. However, hormonal acne is usually worse for women than men.
Sugary foods
Adding sugar to your diet can be among the reasons for your acne getting worse. The American Heart Association recommends that women consume no more than 25 grams of sugar per day.
The glycemic index is a system used to rank foods according to how likely it is to spike blood sugar. It is important to understand the glycemic index when trying to decide what foods to eat and avoid.
Simple carbohydrates such as white bread, candy, and ice cream are the worst culprits. This is because they fast-absorbed and raise blood sugar quickly. Therefore, it is important to keep your blood sugar levels balanced.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who drank sodas had an increased amount of inflammation in their body. This is a big problem because it has shown to exacerbate skin conditions such as acne. It also listed in the reasons for acne getting worse.
There are plenty of foods you can eat to help control acne. This includes eating 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. These are full of antioxidants and other natural substances that fight acne.
One of the best ways to reduce your sugar intake is to eliminate processed, refined carbs from your diet. Foods such as white bread, rice, and potatoes quickly digested and raise your blood sugar levels. These foods are also high in calories and have a lot of sodium.
A low glycemic load diet can help reduce acne and improve overall health. This is because foods with a low glycemic index considered to be healthful.
Dry skin | Reasons Your Acne Getting Worse
Having dry skin can cause acne breakouts to worsen. It’s best to see your dermatologist if your skin is extremely dry. Your doctor can also prescribe prescription acne medications and help you develop a skin care routine.
Dry skin caused by a lack of moisture in the top layer of skin. This can happen from genetics, environmental factors, or pre-existing skin conditions.
The stratum corneum, which lies on the top layer of the skin, contains natural components that keep it plump and dewy. Normally, it contains dead skin cells and natural oils that keep moisture locked in.
During winter, cold temperatures and dry air can dry out the skin. Dry winter air also sucks moisture out of the skin’s outer layer, causing it to crack.
Dry skin can be an indicator of an underlying condition such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, kidney failure, or Sjogren’s syndrome. If the dryness is severe, your doctor can prescribe a stronger medication, like corticosteroids.
Some household substances can irritate your skin, including air fresheners, floor polishes, laundry detergent, and fragrances in skin care products. Using lukewarm water during handwashing can help. Using hot water can also dry out the skin.
If you are experiencing acne breakouts and dry skin at the same time, it’s important to see your dermatologist. Your doctor can help you develop a skin care regimen and prescribe the best acne medications for your skin.
Using retinoids is a great way to clear up your acne, but there are some side effects you may experience. Therefore, it is important to know the potential effects before you start.
Retinoids work by dissolving dead skin cells and clearing up clogged pores. They are also effective against fine lines and wrinkles. They can also improve the texture of your skin. However, they may increase your risk of sunburn and skin irritation, which can make your acne worse. You should also avoid using them during pregnancy.
Retinoids are available in a variety of formulations, including lotions, gels, and serums. You should use them in conjunction with a benzoyl peroxide-based moisturizer. You should apply the retinoid cream 20-30 minutes after you wash your face. In addition, you should also avoid applying it directly to your face, as it may irritate your skin.
Retinoids can also increase your sensitivity to sunlight. This can cause severe sunburns. They should also used with a sunscreen. You should also avoid using these products during pregnancy, because they may increase the risk of birth defects.
Dermatologists have used retinoids for years to treat acne and other skin problems. However, they can also cause side effects, such as skin irritation and inflammation. You should always consult with your dermatologist before using retinoids.
If you experience a bad reaction to retinoids, you can get a rash or blisters. This can also lead to breathing problems.
Sharing makeup and skincare products
Using makeup and skincare products from someone else can be a risky proposition. It is among the few reasons your acne is getting worse. This is especially true of liquid makeup. Aside from the obvious stumbling block of transferring built up bacteria to your skin, the bacteria you’ve transferred may not be the bacteria that you want on your face. This is a reason why it’s a good idea to clean your makeup tools every so often. A good rule of thumb is to clean your makeup tools at least once a week.
The best way to avoid transferring bacteria to your face is to always use your own makeup. While you are at it, don’t forget to use a makeup remover towelette. This can help you avoid the dreaded zits that can plague your complexion.
You should also keep in mind that makeup can contain ingredients that can make your acne worse. It’s a good idea to wash your face at least twice a day. This is especially true if you’re prone to breakouts.
Aside from not sharing your makeup, you should also avoid consuming excessive amounts of sweets. Sweets contain starchy ingredients that can lead to a spiky pimple or two.
You should also use a makeup that is sexier than your usual go-to. If you’re using the same makeup on a regular basis, you may be introducing some serious germs to your face. If this is the case, it’s a good idea to keep a stash of your own makeup in your vanity or medicine cabinet.
Squeezing pimples
Those who are suffering from acne may tempt to pop their pimples. However, it not recommended. This can lead to one of the reasons for your acne getting worse.
The process can cause more problems than it solves. It can lead to a painful infection and scars. And it can even make your pimple worse.
Squeezing a pimple can cause irritation and inflammation. It can also drive bacteria deeper into the skin. The bacteria can then spread to other pores. This can lead to a serious skin infection that may require antibiotics.
Squeezing a pimple is the same as picking at an open wound. It can make the acne worse and make the blemish appear bigger than it really is.
If you do pop a pimple, you should follow these steps:
- Wash your hands thoroughly. Apply an antibacterial soap to your face. Do not use a harsh cleaning product because it can cause your skin to break out even more.
- When you are washing your face, make sure you use a warm water temperature to prevent irritation. You should also avoid squeezing your pimple as this will only make the infection worse.
- Using a pimple patch may also help speed up the healing process. These patches made of hydrocolloid and contain essential oils that will help reduce redness and irritation.
- When you are trying to pop your pimple, you may also want to use latex gloves. You may also want to use a soft silicone brush to help remove any bacteria from your skin.