- Prior to Botox avoid blood thinners: i.e. NSAID’s, prescription blood thinners if possible and approved from your prescribing physician. Avoid Fish Oil, ASA, and OTC herbal medications as many may have a mild blood thinning affect. Each medication will have a specific half-life, meaning stop date prior to treatment.
- Call our office if you are unsure how to stop a blood-thinner. In some cases, your provider or physician may deem it unsafe to stop a blood-thinner. In which case, please inform our staff ahead of time so that we may review safety measures for potential treatment.
Before getting a Botox treatment, it’s important to understand the process. We typically like to meet face to face for a consultation to ensure we effectively communicate the treatment plan and manage expected outcomes.
Prior to your appointment it is recommended to avoid blood thinners such as Aspirin, NSAID’s ( Ibuprofen), and prescription blood thinners as well as alcohol for 24-48 hours. Call the office for specific guidelines when temporarily holding these medications.
Talk to your physician or contact the office regarding timelines for temporarily stopping this. On occasion some clients are unable to stop prescription blood thinners, in which case we request you contact your prescribing physician recommended guidelines.