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Best Kybella in San Diego

1 min read

Kybella injections are a non-surgical procedure that can dramatically reduce the appearance of unwanted fat. Patients typically experience results within seven to 14 days. The procedure requires minimal downtime, and does not require any consultation fees or taxes. However, before opting for Kybella in San Diego, patients should speak with their doctor about the risks and potential side effects.

The procedure is design to permanently reduce fat under the chin. Though Kybella does not prevent future changes in the chin due to weight gain, patients encouraged to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen to help maintain the results of the procedure. Besides treating the appearance of double chin, Kybella can also use to treat submental fullness. If you live in San Diego and are interested in learning more about this treatment, you should visit Glow Theory, a San Diego cosmetic laser clinic.

Patients undergoing Kybella in San Diego will require a series of injections, typically twenty to thirty. The number of injections depends on the severity of skin laxity. Most patients do not experience any pain during the procedure, but some may experience soreness. However, the pain is short-lived and can easily relieved with over-the-counter pain relievers.

If you are pregnant, you should discuss your plans with your doctor. The procedure can cause minor swelling and bruising, but this is temporary and will subside within a few days. Patients should consult their healthcare provider if they have an infection or serious medical condition.

See how Glow Theory differentiate from others for Kybella treatment. #
Schedule your Kybella appointment. #
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