Besides age, there are several other factors that can contribute to reasons for hair loss in women. These include hereditary hair loss, stress, and skin conditions. All these factors can affect the follicles and cause hair loss.
Hereditary hair loss
Generally, hereditary hair loss in women is more prevalent than in men. The reasons are not entirely clear. While genetics are one of the main reasons for balding, other factors can also play a role.
There are many rumors and myths about hereditary hair loss. Although there is no cure for this condition, treatments can help reduce its severity and halt its progression. Some women choose to undergo treatment to avoid further hair loss.
Hereditary hair loss in women generally characterized by thinning hair or the presence of a bald patch on the head. However, there are many other causes of hair loss, including lupus, thyroid disease, diabetes, and stress.
Female genetic hair loss, or androgenetic alopecia, accounts for about 95 percent of female baldness. It is a result of a complex mix of genes. A combination of hormones is responsible for causing this type of hair loss.
Hair loss in women is typically located on the top of the head. The hairs on the forehead and temples remain intact. The hairline along these areas is usually normal, but the hair on the sides may become thinner and less visible.
Although hereditary hair loss in women can be difficult to detect, there are many signs and symptoms. If you suspect you may have this condition, see a health care professional to rule out other potential causes.
Hair loss in women commonly referred to as the “Christmas tree” pattern. In this pattern, the hair on the top of the head and the front of the neck are thinner than the hair on the sides. Women usually lose more hair in the top of their head than on the sides and front of their neck, but they still have a healthy hairline along the temples and forehead.
Skin conditions
Whether or not you suffer from psoriasis, if you haven’t heard of it, you’re not alone. The affliction affects nearly a quarter of the population, and it’s not all about the phlegm. The good news is that there are many treatments and cures for this malady. The bad news is that the cure is a long haul. It may require several trips to the local dermatologist’s office, and may require a lifelong commitment. As with all things, the best solution is to start early and finish strong. The reward is a healthier and more manageable you. The biggest challenge is finding the right treatment. Luckily, there are several effective treatments that have the requisite phlegm-free ingredients.
The best route is to talk with a knowledgeable dermatologist to find the treatment that best suits your needs. One should never underestimate the power of medication, especially when it comes to the hair and scalp.
Anemia | Reasons for hair loss in women
Several studies have shown that iron deficiency is one of the causes of hair loss in women. The condition occurs when the body does not have enough iron, which needed for hemoglobin production. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen to tissues. It also provides the blood signature red color. It also helps cells to grow and repair. In anemia, hemoglobin levels decrease, which prevents the body from producing the oxygen it needs.
Fortunately, iron deficiency can usually treat. It’s possible to restore iron levels through diet and lifestyle changes. If you don’t have enough iron, a doctor may recommend taking iron supplements. But you should always talk to your doctor before taking any medications. If you take iron supplements, you may experience side effects. Taking too much iron can increase your risk of other health problems.
The best way to diagnose iron deficiency is through a blood test. This test can show you the levels of hemoglobin and ferritin in your blood. A low hematocrit level and a lower ferritin level indicate that your body is not producing enough hemoglobin and iron.
Iron deficiency can also lead to shortness of breath and pale skin. It can also affect the immune system and heart. Anemia is one of the reasons for hair loss in women.
It is possible to treat anemia and hair loss. Your doctor will talk with you about your symptoms, and test you for anemia. If your hair thinning caused by anemia, your doctor may suggest changing your diet. Taking iron supplements may also help to restore your hair. If you’re self-diagnosing, you should talk to your doctor to avoid taking iron supplements that can cause more problems.
Autoimmune conditions
Several autoimmune conditions are associated with hair loss. Some people suffer from psoriasis and alopecia areata, and others have multiple sclerosis. These disorders are known to inherit, and they tend to be more common in women.
Autoimmune conditions may occur at any age. In fact, some people develop an autoimmune disease during their teenage years. These conditions may affect any part of the body. They can have mild to severe symptoms.
In autoimmune diseases, the body’s immune system attacks healthy tissue. The immune system includes the bone marrow, spleen, and lymph nodes. These tissues contain white blood cells, also known as leukocytes. White blood cells are responsible for protecting the body against infection. They also help to suppress invading cells.
In autoimmune conditions, white blood cells may attack the hair follicles. This may cause permanent hair loss if scarring occurs. In some cases, hair follicles can regrow. Fortunately, there are treatments available that can help prevent hair loss. However, there is no cure for these disorders.
Many people feel isolated when they have an autoimmune disease. Connecting with others who have similar conditions can provide a sense of belonging. There are support groups online and in communities. If you feel you may have an autoimmune disease, consult your doctor for a diagnosis.
Alopecia areata is one of the most common autoimmune conditions and reasons for hair loss in women. It causes hair loss on the scalp. The condition can cause small, round patches of hair to fall out. Some people may also experience itching or a burning sensation on the scalp. A doctor can help to manage the symptoms of the disease.
Crohn’s and irritable bowel diseases are also autoimmune conditions. In addition to causing hair loss, these diseases may also affect the joints and lungs.
Stress | A major reason for hair loss in women
Having too much stress can damage your hair. You may also experience hair loss related to a variety of medical conditions. Having a healthy diet is a good way to prevent stress hair loss.
A new study has shed light on the relationship between stress and hair loss. Researchers studied the effects of a stress hormone on mice’s hair growth. It turns out that a hormone called corticosterone can help encourage the growth of hair. Interestingly, the researchers found that the same hormone could exploited to encourage hair growth in humans.
The best way to prevent stress related hair loss is to manage your stress. This may involve modifying your diet and taking some exercise. Also, you should talk to your doctor about possible treatment options.
Depending on the cause, your hair may not grow back in a matter of months. This is because the body diverts energy away from non-essential functions. If you’re experiencing a lot of stress, it’s a good idea to seek treatment.
A good way to reduce stress is to exercise. This can include daily walks, dance classes, or yard work. It can also involve incorporating hobbies into your life. Some examples of hobbies that can help alleviate stress include meditation, visualization, and mindfulness.
It’s also important to note that some forms of stress may be temporary. You may have to deal with stress for a few months or even a few years before your hair starts to grow back. However, stress can help your hair grow back if you’re able to identify and address the source of your stress.
If you’re experiencing hair loss that’s not your own doing, it’s time to consult your doctor. Your doctor can diagnose the cause of your hair loss and prescribe a treatment to help you regain your hair.